“感恩图报”历来就是中华民族的传统美德。众所周知的古语: “滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”、“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖” 等等,说的正是一种感恩。细想生活,有太多太多值得我们去感恩:爸爸妈妈的爱,爷爷奶奶的宠,老师同学的关心,甚至是每天为我们带来整洁环境的清洁工……这一件件在我们身边司空见惯的小事,都值得我们用心去汇报,去感恩。那么,作为一名小学生,怎样才能做到感恩呢?我认为,我们应该从我做起,从身边的小事做起,以自己的实际行动来表达我们的感激之情。
Dear teachers and students:
Good morning!
"Gratitude" has always been the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Known by the old saying: " A drop of water in need, shall be returned with a spring in deed.";”Such kindness of the warm sun, cannot be repaid by grass.” etc.,these are kinds of gratitude. The love from parents and grandparents ; the care from teachers and classmates, and even the cleaners who bring us a clean environment... All of these little things are worthy of our grateful attention. So, as a primary school student, how can one be grateful? I think we should start from us, start from little things, with our own practical actions to express our gratitude.
When mom and dad come home from work, hand them a cup of hot tea, flash a smile and give them warm greetings; Listen to your teachers carefully in class; After class, a nice smile and polite "good day" to your teachers; In the classroom, keep the space clean and neat; After school, say "goodbye" to teachers; Obey the school rules ,elementary student codes of conduct, keep a harmonious order and environment; all of these things are also kinds of gratitude. This kind of gratitude is for the new era and our great motherland……Because these things are done with our inner love and respect.
As pupils of the new era, we shoulder the important task of building our motherland. So We should have knowledge, be thankful, discover good things, feel the beauty of ordinary things. If we do this, we will have an open mind to deal with all difficulties in life and studies and let campus life blossom with a charming gloss!