Daily Schedule For the Academic Year 2014-2015
时 间 Time |
流 程 Process |
备注Remarks |
7:00~7:30 |
住宿生起床、早锻炼 Resident students get up and do morning exercises |
30分(minutes) |
7:30~8:00 |
住宿生早餐,走读学生到校 Resident students eat breakfast and nonresident students go to school |
30分(minutes) |
8:00~8:15 |
早读(国学、英语)morning reading (sinology、English) |
15分(minutes) |
8:15~8:20 |
课 间 break |
5分(minutes) |
8:20~9:00 |
第一节 the first class |
40分(minutes) |
9:00~9:10 |
课 间 break |
10分(minutes) |
9:10~9:50 |
第二节 the second class |
40分(minutes) |
9:50~10:20 |
缤纷大课间:体育、英语口语(奶制品课间餐) The colorful recess:Sports、Oral English Practice(Dairy snacks) |
30分(minutes) |
10:20~11:00 |
第三节 the third class |
40分(minutes) |
11:00~11:10 |
课 间 break |
10分(minutes) |
11:10~11:50 |
第四节 the forth class |
40分(minutes) |
11:50~12:20 |
营养午餐 nutritious lunches |
30分(minutes) |
12:20~13:20 |
午休(走读生午休室、住宿生宿舍)Noon Break( resident students in dormitory,nonresident students in Siesta room |
60分(minutes) |
13:20~13:35 |
写字、书法练习practicing Chinese calligraphy、handwriting |
15分(minutes) |
13:35~14:15 |
第五节 the fifth class |
40分(minutes) |
14:15~14:20 |
眼保健操eye exercises |
5分(minutes) |
14:20~14:25 |
课间 break |
5分(minutes) |
14:25~15:05 |
第六节 the sixth class |
40分(minutes) |
15:05~15:15 |
课间 break |
10分(minutes) |
15:15~15:55 |
第七节(选修、活动、游泳、班会) the seventh class (optional class、activities 、swimming、class meeting) |
40分(minutes) |
15:55~16:05 |
课间 break |
10分(minutes) |
16:05~16:45 |
第八节(选修、活动、游泳、班会) the eighth class (optional class、activities 、swimming、class meeting) |
40分(minutes) |
16:45-17:00 |
放学、发校车 finish school、school buses get ready |
15分(minutes) |
17:00-18:00 |
学生体育锻炼、阅览 do physical exercises、read books |
60分(minutes) |
18:00~18:30 |
住宿生晚餐 resident students dinner |
30分(minutes) |
18:30~19:00 |
住宿生冲凉洗澡 resident students take shower |
30分(minutes) |
19:00~19:40 |
阅读时间 reading time |
40分(minutes) |
19:40~19:50 |
三至六年级课间,一二年级晚放学(走读生家长接) Break for Grade3~Grade6,students in Grade1~2 finish school |
10分(minutes) |
19:50~20:30 |
三至六年级基本作业,七年级晚自习 Students in Grade3~6 finish homework,Grade7 students review their lessons |
40分(minutes) |
20:30~21:00 |
准备晚寝 prepare for sleep |
30分(minutes) |
19:50~7:00 |
一二年级晚寝(睡前故事10分钟) students in Grade 1~2 go to sleep(10minutes’bedtime story) |
1小时 (hour) |
21:00~7:00 |
三至七年级晚寝 Students in Grade 3~7 go to sleep |
10小时(hours) |